Cooperation & Networks — Initiatives & Projects
Supporting the Uptake of Agri-Food Research Results into Innovation with EPC countries
The overall aim of the SUAFRI-EPC project is to bridge the gap between Agri-Food research and innovation in Eastern Partnering Countries (EPC) by bringing together all actors of the knowledge value chain and raising their awareness on how to uptake research results into innovation. SUAFRI-EPC is supporting the Agri-Food sector and community in EPC by developing the basis for an efficient "Research to Innovation - R2I" process with the support of European partnering specialists.
- Posted on: 05.04.2016
- Project date: March 2014 - February 2017
- Acronym: SUAFRI-EPC
Website: Link
he project will consist in the following activities:
- Implementation of one R2I pilot project in each of the targeted EPC countries jointly with a European partner:
- R2I topic A in Armenia: “Production methods to optimise economical and environmental sustainability in aquaculture and apiculture sectors”;
- R2I topic B in Belarus: “Development of consumer preferences for fish and seafood”.
- R2I topic D in Georgia: “Wine production optimisation using bio-technologies and zoning techniques”.
- Exchange of best practices in knowledge/technology transfer via a range of specific training courses;
- Analysis of the potential for cooperation and knowledge transfer in the field;
- Networking between Agri-Food actors through mapping of EPC Agri-Food actors at different levels of the knowledge value chain and organisation of brokerage events;
- Innovation support services to EPC (and European) Agri-Food organisations willing to receive hands-on support for their RDI activities.
The SUAFRI-EPC project aims also to cooperate with other European projects and initiatives targeting EPC countries, under ‘Cluster joint activities’. Cluster activities will consist in organising and contributing to joint events, exchange of information, and support current projects targeting EPC countries.