BLACK SEA HORIZON – Bi-regional STI Dialogue

Cooperation & NetworksClusters

AgroFood Regional Cluster

The idea of establishment of the AgroFood Regional Cluster was born at the beginning of 2011 in the intellectual workshop of ASIMCOV, the Association of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises of Covasna County. The Regional Cluster of Food Industry and Products – AGROFOOD was created to support the members in developing their management strategies, their brands, the professional training of their personnel, harmonisation and representation of their interest, etc.

AgroFood Regional Cluster
  • Posted on: 21.01.2016
  • Romania
  • Acronym: AGROFOOD Regional Cluster

Website: Link


The Regional Cluster of Food Industry and Products – AGROFOOD was created to support the members in developing their management strategies, their brands, the professional training of their personnel, harmonisation and representation of their interest, etc. AGROFOOD regional cluster has been cooperating with many national, regional and European clusters and has been helping its members on national and international markets. In addition, the cluster organises workshops, conferences and seminars to promote strategies and brands and to launch international cooperation between its members and other clusters. It is a part of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform(ECCP).

It has participated in the following funded support programmes:

Cluster Excellence Label: Bronze Label

- Development of coherent cluster policies;
- Improving the competitiveness of its members;
- Improving the visibility of its members in national and international markets;
- Supporting the members to access public funding for development;
- Supporting the members for  professionaltraining of their personnel;
- Improving partnerships with similar national, regional and European clusters;
- Sharing legislation between its members for a better legal acknowledge;
- Development of joint marketing in the cluster;
- Help solve problems related to studies and research.

- Organisation of seminars, workshops, conferences for promoting its members strategies and brands;
- Organisation of seminars, workshops, conferences for building new partnerships and for establishing new national and international economic relations;
- Cooperation between its members and other similar clusters or organizations;
- Supporting the members in accessing public funds and preparation of business plans, feasibility studies, market research etc,;
- Extension of cluster visibility by signing memberships to different similar regional and European clusters;
- Organisation of training sessions and courses for member’s personnel for improving their professional expertize;
- Organisation of fairs and exhibitions for promoting its members’ products and brands.

Organisation type: Network | Scientific field: Cluster / General, Agricultural Sciences | Related Topics: BLACK SEA HORIZON | Geographical focus: Black Sea Region, Romania