BLACK SEA HORIZON – Bi-regional STI Dialogue

Cooperation & NetworksClusters

IT Plus Cluster

The IT Plus Cluster, as the rest of the clusters, has no legal personality. The cluster is based on the following three pillars: businesses, educational institutions and local councils. Based on these pillars, the Csíki Vállalkozók Egyesülete (Ciuc Entrepreneurs Association) plays an executive role, ensuring the management of the IT Plus Cluster. 

IT Plus Cluster
  • Posted on: 21.01.2016
  • Romania
  • Acronym: IT Plus Cluster

Website: Link


The objective is for this organization to be democratic and open, where all members can communicate openly, as active participants, with equal opportunities in initiating projects, being able to find good professional partners in an efficient environment for development and cooperation. The joint efforts and activities are aimed, in the long term, at creating and maintaining a strong professional organization, a reliable player participating in the developments from the private and public sphere, supporting the carrying out of research and development programs in the region, contributing to the training process of IT specialists by initiating training courses and supporting educational centres, creating jobs, and last but not least, increasing the living standards and life quality.

Cluster Excellence Label: Bronze Label

- Enhancing the competitiveness of the companies in the region, which belong in the sphere of the IT Plus Cluster;
- Creating new jobs, contributing both directly and indirectly to the increase of life quality of the residents of the region;
- Attracting back the IT professionals originating from Szeklerland, Transylvania, keeping valuable specialists in the country, where they can put their expertise, creativity, innovative vision to work supporting high-quality IT training, ongoing training of the existing human resources;
- Boosting research, development and innovation in IT&C field;
- IT&C infrastructure development in the region;
- Assistance in building the IT&C strategies of the local councils in Transylvania, Szeklerland supporting start-ups targeting the IT&C sector.

- Promotes domestic and international conferences and exhibitions;
- Collaborates with domestic and international professional organizations and clusters;
- Takes calls for applications monitoring and consultancy and help the members with domestic and internsational projects.

Organisation type: Network | Scientific field: Cluster / General, ICT | Related Topics: Research and innovation community | Geographical focus: Black Sea Region, Romania