BLACK SEA HORIZON – Bi-regional STI Dialogue

Cooperation & NetworksClusters

Health Romania The Medical Cluster

The Medical Cluster "Health Romania" is the first medical cluster in Romania, which brings together top healthcare institutions, healthcare providers, professional organizations, higher education institutions, medical tourism facilitators, organizations etc. and is open for affiliation to other entities involved in the medical field (travel companies, insurance companies, hotels, financial institutions, etc.) in order to jointly promote the highest level of quality in patient care.

Health Romania The Medical Cluster
  • Posted on: 04.09.2017
  • Romania
  • Acronym: Sanatate Romania

Website: Link


The cluster collaborates with healthcare providers, public and local authorities, insurance companies, employers and other healthcare customers - from Romania and abroad, focusing on providing quality in healthcare in a transparent manner. The steps undertaken by the Medical Cluster "Health Romania" aims to strengthen confidence in the quality of medical services performed by its members, for the Romanian and abroad patients. The Medical Cluster "Health Romania" is committed to sensitize consumers about health care options, and has specific initiatives designed to educate and increase the number of patients using the medical services provided by its members. In addition undertakes to educate consumers about their options for medical treatment abroad. The Medical Cluster "Health Romania" offers training, certification, and other brand development programs to hospitals, healthcare providers, and author, who is actively working to develop sustainable health projects and increasing the volume of patients. It is a part of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP).

Cluster Excellence Label: Bronze

- Development of health services and competitive products;
- Initiation and development of research and innovation projects within the medical field;
- Modernization and development;
- Development of a coherent cluster policy;
- Creating and promoting the status of medical tourism destination for its members and Romania;
- Development and implementation of strategies for research and innovation, human resources and management.

- Joint participation in regional, national and international events (conferences, fairs and exhibitions, economic events);
- Joint participation in national and international projects; - Development of regional, national and international relationships;
- Identification and monitoring of funding programs;
- Collaboration with organizations, clusters in the country or abroad;
- Development of legislative proposals and disseminate legislation among the actors of the field;
- Continuous training of human resources in the field;
- Raising funds for the cluster’s daily activity;
- Development of a marketing strategy.

Organisation type: Association/NGO | Scientific field: Medical and Health Sciences | Related Topics: BLACK SEA HORIZON | Geographical focus: Romania