BLACK SEA HORIZON – Bi-regional STI Dialogue

Cooperation & NetworksClusters


The IND-AGRO-POL pole of competitiveness is a national network with international vocation of the main actors in the constructions of technical equipments for agriculture and food industry and from the related economic sectors. Starting on 2012, IND-AGRO-POL has its own Development Strategy.

  • Posted on: 04.09.2017
  • Romania
  • Acronym: IND-AGRO-POL

Website: Link

Contact: Cornelia Muraru-Ionel,

The mission of competitiveness Pole IND-AGRO-POL is to stimulate the innovation and collaboration in the sector of technical equipment construction for agriculture and food industry and in related sectors (Bio-economy, renewable energy, environment and climate changes, eco-technologies and advanced materials, information technology and communications), in order to strengthen the competitiveness and sustainable development of these sectors, of regional development and intelligent growth, sustainable and favorable to social inclusion. It is a part of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform(ECCP).

It has participated in the following funded support programmes:
- H2020

Cluster Excellence Label: Silver Label

- Harmonization and representation of all members;
- Creating and commercialisation of innovative products and services in the field of machines and equipments for agriculture and food industry and also in related fields;
- Increasing the competitiveness of branch by tangible and intangible investments, financed from own resources or from national or European Community funds;
- Creating conditions to ensure sustainable development of the regions from the geographical area of IND-AGRO-POL;
- Creating the regional clusters as regional pillars of IND-AGRO-POL. The first one was created in 2013 (Indagro Vest cluster);
- Identifying the opportunities for cross-sectoral collaboration between IND-AGRO-POL members and also between another Romanian, European and international clusters. One useful tool on this way is the "Competence mapping" methodology developed by Lower Austria. This tool was already applied in INMA (member of IND-AGRO-POL) as a pilot action.

- Initiation and development of actions and common projects between business environment, RDI environment, authorities and catalytic entities, including the cross-sectoral ones;
- Establishment of common databases and know-how, with the corresponding protection of intellectual property;
- Optimisation of non - technological resources, common acquisitions, common processes;
- Initiation and development of joint RDI projects, including the inter-disciplinary ones;
- Development of joint innovative prototypes and products;
- Developing innovative business of common interest;
- Development of start-ups and spin-offs, appropriate to development necessary of competitiveness pole.

Organisation type: Network | Scientific field: Agricultural Sciences | Related Topics: BLACK SEA HORIZON | Geographical focus: Black Sea Region, Turkey