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Lessons learned from the EaPTC Calls for Proposals are available in the EaPTC e-library

Lessons learned from the EaPTC applicants’ mistakes have been recently published on the EaPTC Support Programme website. The document was prepared on the basis of assessment of project proposals submitted for the recent Calls for Proposals under the Eastern Partnership Territorial Cooperation Programme by the Managing Authority and external assessors.

  • Posted on: 27.10.2015
  • Other

Website: Link

The document contains the results of analysis of typical mistakes made by applicants and their partners at the stages of administrative and eligibility checks as well as evaluation of quality and proposal design of applications. Lessons learned also provide recommendations regarding relevance, budget, cost-effectiveness, financial and operational capacity, feasibility and sustainability of the proposed action etc.

Lessons learned might be useful for all the potential applicants of the current and upcoming Calls for Proposals under the EaPTC Programmes. The document can be found and downloaded at the “Useful documents for applicants” Section of the EaPTC Support Programme website:


Scientific field: Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary | Geographical focus: Black Sea Region