
Internationalisation of innovation in SMEs: Case Studies, Exemplary Support Practices and Policy Implications

The publication features twelve case studies of innovative SMEs with insightful international activity and a comprehensive analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of European policy measures and infrastructure seeking to enhance such internationalisation. It is the first EU official study exploring explicitly and exclusively international cooperation in the field of innovation from a European SME perspective.

Internationalisation of innovation in SMEs: Case Studies, Exemplary Support Practices and Policy Implications
  • Posted on: 05.09.2016
  • Other
  • Year of publication: 2016

Website: Link

The study identified four principal challenges when internationalising innovation: having to stay at the top end of international technological and knowledge development; establishing contacts to foreign countries; dealing with foreign cultures; and dealing with governmental policy, regulation in particular. Dedicated national and European policy measures may help in tackling these challenges.

Source: | Document type: Policy/Strategy | Scientific field: General, Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary | Related Topics: Research and innovation community, Research and Innovation support Initiatives | Geographical focus: EU