Documents & Analysis

Peer Review of the Moldovan Research and Innovation system - Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility

On July 12th 2016 the European Commission (EC) presented a report with key policy recommendations to help modernise Moldova’s science and innovation sector.  

Peer Review of the Moldovan Research and Innovation system - Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility
  • Posted on: 18.07.2016
  • Moldova
  • Year of publication: 2016

Website: Link

This is the first time that a country associated with the EU makes voluntary use of the Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility, the EU said in a press release. The facility is an instrument that gives governments practical support to identify, implement and evaluate reforms needed to enhance the quality of their public research and innovation systems.

The Peer Review of the current state of affairs in Moldova’s research and innovation sector was carried out upon request of the country’s Academy of Sciences by experts from independent experts and senior government officials from several EU countries.
According to the EU Delegation to Moldova, the report presents key policy messages and operational recommendations to help modernise the research and innovation system of the country. It also outlinesseven policy messages addressed to the Moldovan authorities.
The Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility provides expertise and operational support to the design, implementation and evaluation of structural reforms of the national research and innovation systems. It is done through a broad range of services: country peer reviews, support to specific policy reforms, and project-based mutual learning exercises to improve policy-making practice. The facility is funded under Horizon 2020, the EU’s research and innovation programme.


Source: | Document type: Report | Scientific field: General, Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary, Innovation and Development | Related Topics: Research and innovation community, Analysis, Research and Innovation support Initiatives | Geographical focus: Moldova