Documents & Analysis
H2020 - All you need to know about the preparation of your grant agreement
The Third Horizon 2020 Coordinators' Day in Brussels was held in Brussels on February 10th, 2015. A video is available with all information needed about the preparation of H2020 grant agreements. It was mainly meant for coordinators of proposals who were invited to prepare a grant agreement yet is good to know also for all other partners involved in H2020 proposals ...
- Posted on: 13.07.2015
- Year of publication: 2015
Website: Link
What's next after you have received the message that your proposal has been successful? This event provided all details on the preparation and signature of one´s grant agreement.
These are the topics of videos:
- 09:35 Welcome, agenda, logistics
- 09:38 Overview of the grant preparation process
- 09:57 Participant Portal – Paperless grant management
- 10:40 Your organisation : legal status and financial capacity
- 11:38 Legal and Financial issues
- 14:35 Scientific/Technical description of the project – Description of Action
- 15:18 Managing your project: Do’s and don’ts
- 15:44 IT tools, support and practical details
You can watch the video here.